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CosTATT Clinic, Tower 1-304B, Kon-Tiki Centre, 55 Plaza Pde 55 Plaza Pde+
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Cosmetic Tattoo
HIFU Skin Tightening
Cool Slimming
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Eyebrow Tattoo
Eyebrows are an important part of our facial features as they frame the eyes and lift the face. With cosmetic tattooing eyebrows can be shaped and defined or repaired from over plucking or hair loss. A cosmetic tattooing technique will be recommended to best suit your situation and skin qualities. Techniques include: shadowing, ombre effect, microblading, and eyebrow feathering.
Eyeliner Tattoo
An eyeline treatment is ideal for; small pale pink eyes needing definition and shape, oily skin which causes make-up to smear, contact lenses wearers, allergic eyes, people with poor eyesight, or people who like to wear eyeliner to enhance their eyes. Top and bottom eyelines can be fine or wide, tapered or straight. The cosmetic tattoo can be applied in many styles and colours, from soft, natural-looking lash enhancement to a sexy defined line with winged flicks or smokey affect - the choice is yours! You
Lip Tattoo
Lip cosmetic tattooing is a great option to give your lips the appearance of fullness, definition and vibrance.
A cosmetic lipliner tattoo can be used to enhance the contour of the lips towards a more pleasant, youthful, even pouty or sensual look. Ideal for people who have no definite lip shape, uneven lips or lips that have lost their shape as a result of cold sores or injury. Colour is implanted in a fine line on the outer edge of the lips, giving a lovely defined shape to the mouth.
A lip line with blend cosmetic tattoo will add fullness and natural colour to your lips without the full lipstick look. This procedure involves creating a defined lip line to enhance the lips and then shading it back into the natural lip colour.
A full lip cosmetic tattoo is ideal if you desire the fuller lip look. Colour may be selected to emphasise the natural lip pigment or a brighter vivid tone providing the benefit of 24 hour lipstick. Either way, lipstick may still be applied to suit the occasion.
Camouflage Tattoo
Camouflage of scars resulting from surgical procedures, burns, acne, or other pigmentation ir egularities, is achieved by a combination of tattooing and skin needling. The mico-pigmentation introduces new colour to the scarred area to match the surrounding skin while needling promotes growth of collagen, melanin and keratin within the skin layer.
Areola Tattoo
Areola tattooing provides many solutions. Areola creation by cosmetic tattooing is a common procedure for women who have had breast implants following a mastectomy. An areola and nipple are able to be tattooed using shadow techniques to create a 3D illusion. Irregular and fading areola may be enhanced and/or augmented to add the illusion of fullness to the breasts.
Scalp Tattoo
This treatment offers ideal solutions for men and women who suffer thinning hair or alopecia areata; for men suffering from male pattern balding or to assist in camouflaging surgical scars to the scalp. Whether it`s used for adding density to thinning hair or to provided that cool stubble look, it offers perfect, undetectable results within 2-3 sessions and with very minimal down time and aftercare. When compared to other options, such as highly invasive and expensive hair transplant procedures and medication that can have a multitude of side effects, SMP offers a welcome alternative. Using cosmetic tattooing techniques, we are able to deposit tiny amounts of pigment into the scalp to replicate hair follicles. It is a completely natural, non invasive treatment that gives the appearance of tiny hairs growing out of the scalp that can completely restore the hairline and add density to thinning hair.
Beauty Spot Tattoo
Facial HIFU
High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) skin tightening is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure designed to rejuvenate and tighten the skin on the face and neck, helping individuals achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. This innovative treatment harnesses the power of focused ultrasound energy to target the deeper layers of skin and stimulate collagen production, without the need for surgery or incisions.
High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) skin tightening is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure designed to rejuvenate and tighten the skin on the face and neck, helping individuals achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. This innovative treatment harnesses the power of focused ultrasound energy to target the deeper layers of skin and stimulate collagen production, without the need for surgery or incisions.
Decolletage HIFU
High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) skin tightening is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure designed to rejuvenate and tighten the skin, helping individuals achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. This innovative treatment harnesses the power of focused ultrasound energy to target the deeper layers of skin and stimulate collagen production, without the need for surgery or incisions.
Stomach Cool Slimming
Upper Back Cool Slimming
Lower Back Cool Slimming
Thighs Cool Slimming
Chin Cool Slimming
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